In the past I showed how a single random image can be pulled from images uploaded to a Soliloquy slider and set as body background using Backstretch here. In this article I share the code for getting URLs of all images uploaded to a Soliloquy slider and passing these to Backstretch for full screen slideshow […]
Featured Pages with Excerpts sliding up on Hover in Genesis
In this article we shall write a custom loop and query in Genesis to display 7 featured static Pages after header on front page in Genesis. Pages are going to be set as featured by ticking a checkbox, a custom field added via ACF. Three Pages will be shown in the top row and four […]
How to set height of an element to Viewport height using jQuery in WordPress
A full height hero section on the front page is a common design element in many websites these days. In this article I share sample code for setting this up in WordPress. The code improves upon what’s there in certain themes by StudioPress like Digital Pro. Step 1 Create a file named say home.js in […]
Filterable Portfolio in Altitude Pro using Isotope
In the past I wrote a couple of tutorials on this topic here: Filterable Portfolio Grid in Altitude Pro with Title and Excerpt appearing on Hover Filterable Portfolio Grid on Front page and Archive page in Altitude Pro with Title, Excerpt and Clickable Custom Fields on Hover This article is different from the above in […]
Curtains opening and closing animation effect on top of Soliloquy slider in Altitude Pro
In my Facebook group a user asked: Is it possible to show curtain animation effect such as this on top of soliloquy slider in altitude pro theme? I’ve seen your overlay tutorial on Soliloquy slider. Curtain effect will be great to see. In this tutorial I share the steps for replacing the Front Page […]
Full Screen Portfolio with PagePiling in Genesis
In the members-only forum a user asks: I love the PagePiling.js tutorial you do here: Full Screen Scrolling Sections in Genesis using PagePiling.js What I would like to do is use that Page Piling effect to go between portfolio items, where each change shows a different portfolio entry. Is there a way to link up […]
How to set up scrambling site description ticker text in Minimum Pro
In the members-only forum a user asks: I’m trying to implement the TickerScrambler.js in the site-tagline in minimum pro. Would you be able to provided a tutorial? Here’s the tickler in action: (It’s in the footer: Engineering is…) In this tutorial we shall load TickerScrambler before the closing body tag, initialize it by […]
How to hide a widget area after a certain time using jQuery
In the StudioPress community forum a user asks: I have some content in a text widget in a Before Header widget area, that I would like to make disappear after a few seconds. In this article I show how a custom before-header widget area can be set to be initially hidden on page load, then […]
Smooth Scrolling, Highlighted Link and Fixed Side Navigation in Genesis using Page scroll to id and Sticky-Kit
In the members-only forum a user asked: Trying to achieve what this tutorial outlines. Here is an example of it in the wild. It’s a really effective for pages with long content in regards to aiding page navigation. I would love to see a tutorial from you about this! In this article we […]
How to add a right arrow directly after email input field using CSS and jQuery
In the members-only forum a user wrote I’d like to add a right pointing triangle to appear directly to the right of the email input field. This can normally be done using ::after with CSS or a background image, but that doesn’t work on input fields. Is there a way to wrap input[type=”email”] in a […]
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