This tutorial shows how to make changes to post info or entry meta before content in Genesis using the genesis_post_meta filter. Add the following in child theme’s functions.php: and edit the return line inside the function as needed. For example, to delete post comments, you would change it to:
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3-column Footer Widgets in Atmosphere Pro
Updated on November 12, 2020 This tutorial provides the steps to change the footer widget area in Atmosphere Pro such that three widgets appear side-by-side versus the default, one. Tested in Atmosphere Pro 1.1.3. Step 1 In functions.php, change to Step 2 In style.css, add the following above the media queries:
How to add a search form in nav menu in Genesis
This tutorial provides the steps to add a search form with a Font Awesome’s SVG search icon submit button as the last nav menu item in Genesis. While the tutorial has been written for Genesis Sample 2.8.0, it should work with a few adjustments in any Genesis theme. Step 1 If you have not already, […]
Home Featured widget in Genesis Sample
This tutorial provides the steps to register a Home Featured widget area display the widget area below the header on the front page modify JS so the top margin (equal to the height of the fixed site header) applies to the widget area on the homepage and to .site-inner on every other page add CSS […]
How to apply Full Width Content Layout to a CPT’s single pages in Genesis
Looking to force Full Width Content layout to all the singular pages of a Custom Post Type in Genesis so there’s no sidebar? Just add the following in child theme’s functions.php: If you are using Genesis Sample 2.6.0, add the following in its style.css:
How to remove Page Titles on all landing pages in Genesis
Looking to remove entry titles on all static Pages that use the Landing Template in Genesis? Just add the following in your child theme directory: add_action( ‘genesis_before_loop’, ‘custom_remove_page_title’ ); /** * Remove Page Title on all landing pages. */ function custom_remove_page_title() { // if this is not a static Page using the Landing Template, abort. […]
How to show featured image below entry content on single posts in Genesis
Want to add featured image below content on single post pages in Genesis? Create a file named single-post.php in your child theme directory having the following code: <?php add_action( ‘genesis_before_entry_content’, ‘custom_featured_image’ ); /** * Show featured image (if present) before content on single posts. */ function custom_featured_image() { // if there is no featured image, […]
How to fix Home Sections’ Background Image Problem on iPad Pro in Parallax Pro
Parallax Pro‘s (tested in v1.3.3) parallax sections on the homepage have a cover background image for Home Sections 1, 3 and 5. These background images appear blown up or zoomed in on iPad Pro in Landscape orientation due to background-attachment: fixed in the CSS. To fix this problem, add the following below the existing media […]
Video Background for Home Section 1 in Parallax Pro
This tutorial provides the steps to set up a video background for first parallax section on Parallax Pro‘s homepage. Step 1 Install and activate Video Background plugin. Step 2 Create a new Page titled say, Home. In the “Video Background” meta box, set Container as .home-section-1. Upload/select your desired video file in mp4 and webm […]
How to remove the featured image entry background and gravatar on single posts in Ambiance Pro
This tutorial provides the steps to get rid of the entry background section (which shows the featured image) and gravatar on single posts in Ambiance Pro. Before: After: Tested in Ambiance Pro 1.1.1. Step 1 Edit functions.php. a) Around L25 change if ( is_singular( array( ‘post’, ‘page’ ) ) && has_post_thumbnail() ) { to if […]
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