I’ve recently set up WPCS (WordPress Coding Standards) in my editor, Sublime Text and have since been diligently adding appropriate comment blocks for the various code I use/write, thanks to the linting or automatic code suggestions. Looking at the code in the current latest Genesis Sample 2.2.4’s functions.php, there are minor improvements that can be […]
Genesis Sample
How to display featured image as background of entry header on archives in Genesis
In GenesisWP Slack chat, a user asked: I’d like to display featured image as a background to entry title and post info on home and archive pages. Can anyone point me to any tutorials, please! I’ve been trying to figure this out myself for the past two hours. Thanks! genesis_attr filter can be used to […]
Full width featured image header with page title overlay on landing pages in Genesis
In the members-only forum a user asked: Hi Sridhar! I’m hoping to the featured image show up full width, with the page title overlayed but in Landing pages ONLY. I found this tutorial (https://sridharkatakam.com/display-page-title-full-width-featured-image-genesis/) but this one is for *all* pages and I need this on landing pages only. I’ve got it *almost* working expect […]
How to set up a Welcome section with Image at left and a Text widget on right in Genesis
In the Genesis Facebook group, a user wants to know how a welcome/hero section can be set to appear below the header similar to the one at http://www.melyssagriffin.com/. In this tutorial I show how we can register a Welcome widget area and display it below the header in Genesis. We shall write responsive CSS to […]
Adding background images to multiple widget sections via Customizer in Genesis
Updated on May 09, 2018 for Genesis Sample 2.6.0 In my tutorial requests Trello board, a user asked: Would love to see a tutorial on adding background images to multiple widget sections via the customizer–similar to Altitude Pro. (e.g. to front-page-1, front-page-3, front-page-5, etc.) On the Sample theme or any theme. In this article, we […]
3 Methods to Add a Title for Footer Widgets in Genesis
Looking to add a title or custom HTML above the footer widgets (.footer-widgets > .wrap)? Here are three ways in which this can be done in the order of my personal preference from top to bottom. PHP code goes in child theme’s functions.php. Tested in Genesis Sample child theme with Accessibility support enabled for headings […]
How to make the latest post featured (large) in Genesis
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jQuery Counter on scroll using WOW.js in Genesis
In my tutorial requests Trello board, a user asked I want to create a counter using jquery-counter – http://sophilabs.github.io/jquery-counter/ and put it in a footer widget. Can you create a tutorial to install and configure jquery-counter on a Genesis theme? This tutorial provides the steps to trigger jQuery.Counter when the section having the counters is […]
Split Navigation with menu items on logo’s left and right in Genesis
April 24, 2018: The tutorial on this page is for an older version of Genesis Sample. For v2.6.0 and above, follow this instead. The theme version is yet to be updated. Updated on July 03, 2017 If you’d like to purchase a theme version of this tutorial, get it here. In the past, I wrote […]
Genesis Sample Starter Theme Update
I have updated my starter child theme for Genesis based on the latest Genesis Sample 2.2.3. Get the details here
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