has a lovely category selector dropdown which uses jQuery Nice Select to style the select menu in a clean and consistent manner across the various browsers. This tutorial provides the steps to set up the same before the content-sidebar wrap on the Posts page in Genesis using FacetWP and jQuery Nice Select. Step […]
FacetWP + WooCommerce in Genesis
Looking to implement FacetWP on WooCommerce archives like the main Shop page in Genesis? Here are some tips and pointers that you may find useful. To set up Product Categories filter in a widget, first create your facet. Do not forget to press the Re-index button. To display the facet on the front end, place […]
Filtering posts by categories with a Load more button in Genesis using FacetWP
In the past, I wrote about filtering posts using Ajax Load More plugin here. This tutorial provides the steps for filtering posts on the Posts page by categories in Genesis using FacetWP. Clicking on Load More button below the posts will load the next set below the current ones. We will use column classes in […]
How to Filter Posts by Categories using FacetWP in Genesis
Updated on July 05, 2017 FacetWP is a premium plugin for setting up fast and easy facets (filters) of various kinds like select menus, checkboxes and radio buttons. This tutorial covers the steps to display categories’ checkboxes in a text widget on Posts page, archives and search results pages using FacetWP. Posts can be filtered […]
Portfolio Grid in Genesis Filterable by Multiple Taxonomies using FacetWP
FacetWP is an excellent plugin for setting up filtering capabilities for entries in WordPress. Here are FacetWP’s benefits over using something like Isotope: supports pagination out of the box. Entries being filtered need not all be present on a single page supports automatic narrowing down of filters i.e., as items get filtered by one criterion, […]
Search, Price Slider, Product Categories and other Filters for WooCommerce in Genesis
This article covers setting up filters in a text widget inside a custom sidebar on WooCommerce product archive pages in Genesis using FacetWP and SearchWP (both commercial plugins). We shall add support for WooCommerce in Genesis w/o using the Genesis Connect for WooCommerce plugin add the class needed for FacetWP to main.content force content-sidebar layout setting register and display […]
FacetWP in Genesis
FacetWP is a commercial plugin that lets you easily create filters (checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns etc.) for filtering content in WordPress sites. In this article I explain how FacetWP can be set up in Genesis. Also included is a screencast walkthrough showing an example to filter entries on a CPT archive page by custom taxonomies. […]
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