In a Genesis site that I am currently developing, there is an “Archive” page whose design looks like this: I could have simply hard-coded the images and the years and be done with the page in about 15 min. But I’ve decided to complicate things for myself and spent half a day making it dynamic […]
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Posts Grid in Genesis using CSS Grid
CSS Grid is a fantastic new feature in CSS supported by all modern browsers (partial support in IE at the time of writing this) since March of this year. Creating a grid is now as simple as declaring display property of the parent container element as grid. The number of columns can be set in […]
FacetWP + WooCommerce in Genesis
Looking to implement FacetWP on WooCommerce archives like the main Shop page in Genesis? Here are some tips and pointers that you may find useful. To set up Product Categories filter in a widget, first create your facet. Do not forget to press the Re-index button. To display the facet on the front end, place […]
Non purchasable products with Call to Order buttons in WooCommerce
In a recent Genesis customization project I completed, the requirement was to be able to mark specific products as “Not (yet) available for sale” when adding/editing the product. Additionally, the standard “Add to Cart” buttons on the product archives like the main Shop page should show a custom “Call to Order” text and the single […]
How to enable Footer widgets on the homepage in Infinity Pro
Footer widgets are disabled by default in Infinity Pro‘s template for the front page. To enable them, just edit the theme’s front-page.php and comment out or delete this line: remove_theme_support( ‘genesis-footer-widgets’ );
Applying a layout for Recipes page in Brunch Pro
Trying to set up the sidebar on Recipes pages in your Brunch Pro site similar to that in the theme demo? If you are using Simmer for Recipes plugin, /recipes page on the frontend will be the CPT’s archive page and not the static Page having the same slug. This causes the layout selected in […]
How to change database tables’ prefix in WordPress
Below are the concise steps to change WordPress database tables’ prefix to prefix_ after WordPress has been installed with the tables having the default wp_ prefix. In the instructions below, replace prefix_ with whatever is your desired prefix (do not use upper case). Step 0 Take a full backup of your site and the database. […]
How to remove Date and Title from Posts on Archives in Ambiance Pro
Looking to remove the published date and title of posts in content archives when using Ambiance Pro? Simply edit index.php and comment out or delete the following: add_action( ‘genesis_entry_header’, ‘genesis_do_post_title’, 13 ); and add_action( ‘genesis_entry_header’, ‘ambiance_post_info’, 12 ); Before: After:
How to remove titles on all Pages in Genesis
Looking for a way to remove entry header (having the title) on all static Pages in Genesis without a plugin? Just add the following in child theme’s functions.php: add_action( ‘genesis_before_entry’, ‘custom_remove_titles’ ); /** * Remove entry header on static Pages. */ function custom_remove_titles() { // if we are not on a static Page, abort. if […]
How to link Tagline to Site URL in Genesis
Want to make the site description clickable to the homepage? Here’s one way in which this can be done. add_filter( ‘genesis_markup_site-description_open’, ‘insert_html_opening_site_description_markup’, 10, 2 ); /** * Appends HTML to the opening markup for .site-description. * * @param string $open_html HTML tag being processed by the API. * @param array $args Array with markup arguments. […]
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