In GenesisWP Slack, a user wanted to know how the logo (linking to site URL) can be centered above the navigation in Kickstart Pro. In this tutorial, we shall set up a theme logo and customize the CSS in Kickstart Pro (v1.3.6 at the time of writing this). Step 1 Add the following in Kickstart […]
Kickstart Pro
How to replace Genesis Responsive Slider in Kickstart Pro with Soliloquy slider
Kickstart Pro’s homepage is set to use a Genesis Responsive Slider in Home Top Slider section. In this tutorial we shall replace it with Soliloquy slider and style it so it looks similar. Step 1 Install and activate Soliloquy. At Soliloquy > Add New, create a new slider named say, Home Slider and upload/select your […]
Fixed shrinking header in Kickstart Pro
Continuing on the series of tutorials on fixed shrinking header in Genesis today’s is on how to implement it in Kickstart Pro. Step 1 Create a file named say, global.js in js directory having the following: To view the full content, please sign up for the membership. Already a member? Log in below or here.
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