Digital Pro‘s homepage has a Journal section that shows 3 blog posts below widget areas. If you want to have a separate blog page where all posts are shown, the recommended method is to designate two Pages as static homepage and Posts page in WordPress’ Reading settings and then all posts will automatically appear on […]
How to modify loop hooks properly with genesis_custom_loop()
Genesis comes with a useful function called genesis_custom_loop() to output elements like entry header, entry content and entry footer when you want to write a custom query. If you would like to make any changes like showing/hiding certain elements in the loop or moving them around, it is not sufficient just to do so and […]
Categories list, one latest post and the remaining in a grid on category archives in Genesis
In Twitter a user asked: @srikat trying to achieve an archive page that looks like this would really appreciate a tutorial :)— TechQuestCo (@TechQuestCo) August 16, 2016 In this tutorial we shall set up a template for category archives in Genesis which displays a horizontal list of top level categories with automatic highlighting of […]
Blog posts in Masonry layout on Altitude Pro front page
In the comments section of Masonry in Genesis using Salvattore, a user asked: How can we set this script to show on one of altitude pro’s home page widgets? In this tutorial we are going to replace the code for displaying Altitude Pro’s Front Page 4 widget area with a custom Genesis loop with the […]
Multiple Loops in Genesis
In this article I share sample code of a Page Template which adds a new section below the existing content. The new section displays two loops: three entries from portfolio CPT six regular posts tagged project Create a file named page-slug.php where slug is your static Page’s slug. In this example, the Page title is […]
How to exclude entries belonging to a taxonomy term from a CPT archive in Genesis
In Genesis Slack chat a user wanted to know how entries of a specific custom taxonomy term can be excluded from a Custom Post Type archive page in Genesis. We can remove the standard loop from a project CPT archive’s template and replace it with a custom one in which genesis_custom_loop() can be sent an […]
How to display one sticky Post in Home Bottom section of Enterprise Pro
In the comments section of How to display one Sticky post on homepage in Genesis tutorial, a user asked: I am using the Enterprise Pro theme and would like to show only one sticky post below the widget top area, essentially replacing the widget bottom area. Can you help me? This can be done by […]
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