In my tutorial requests Trello board a user asked: I would like to see the frontpage of Gridly from replaced with images on the home page instead of post with image and hover titles. Instead of post in a grid just images then I can use a light box to open the bigger […]
Custom Page Template
Full Width Page Template in Showcase Pro
In my Tutorial Requests Trello board, a user asked: Hi, I love this tutorial and have implemented this on Infinity Pro theme with no issues. I was wondering if you can do the same tutorial for the new Showcase Pro theme? Thank you. In this tutorial, we are going to create a custom Page […]
YouTube Videos Grid in Genesis using ACF Pro’s Repeater, Infinite Scroll and Featherlight
Updated on April 10, 2018 This tutorial covers the details of setting up a repeater type custom field for YouTube video URLs and displaying these on the front end in a grid of thumbnails, which when clicked plays the corresponding videos in a lightbox. We shall add a custom pagination (hidden) which is needed for […]
How to set up a custom Page Template for full width content in Digital Pro
In Genesis Slack a user wrote: Hi everyone, keep coming back to Genesis and am determined to get my head around it this time! Currently trying to work out how to create a template with full width backgrounds and wrapped content. I’d like to do this without a plugin. Can anyone point me in the […]
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