In my Facebook group a user asked:
is there a way to replace the front page 1 widget area of Digital Pro with a slider?
In this article I share the steps to customize Digital Pro to replace the Front Page 1's background image with a full width Soliloquy slider. Note that we are going to remove the JS code that automatically sets height of this section to viewport height.
At 600px and below we are going to make the caption appear below the slide image.
Step 1
Install and activate Soliloquy.
Create a slider named say, Home Slider
and upload/select your desired slide images.
In the Config tab, select "Full Width" for Slider Dimensions and enter your slide images’ width and height.
[optional] Use this sample HTML for captions:
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Fantastic tutorial! I’m *so* glad I subscribed. I’ve manually hacked various solutions to this over the last year, and each time it’s been a “reinvent this mess” situation. Clean, done, going to go have lunch. Thanks!
BTW … I just noticed, in your “[optional] Use this sample HTML for captions:” above, you have an opening H3 tag with a closing *H4* ….
Great work, again! NICE!
Thanks Chris, fixed.
What if I want to use Soliloquy’s built-in text instead?
That is Soliloquy’s built-in text. Isn’t it?
I mean what if I want to use the Sololiquy slider as is, with the text at the bottom of each slide?
You just need to identify and delete or not add the CSS code that styles the Soliloquy captions similar to the widget text of the theme.
CSS in Step 4 should then be (not tested):
Hi Sridhar,
Fantastic tutorial. FYI in your live demo site, the ‘click for free access’ button does not work in Chrome. A Genesis issue (not you) due to old javascript. Solution here:
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll fix it.
Btw, I wrote about the same fix for the broken jump links here:
You are a true pro Sir! Thank you.