I have put together a task runner for Genesis Sample 2.6.0 yesterday based on Christoph Herr’s work. Check it out on Github This is for those that develop custom sites using the Genesis framework with Genesis Sample 2.6.0 on their localhost and want to use Sass (style.css split into partial .scss files) with a finer […]
Genesis Sample Sass
Christoph Herr has a modular starter Genesis child theme with Sass partials called Prometheus. I have taken just the Sass part from Prometheus, simplified it a bit and added a couple of partials for homepage and custom CSS. So if you are looking for Sass version of Genesis Sample 2.6.0’s style.css, click on the button […]
Linting and Formatting in Visual Studio Code for WordPress
In the past, I wrote about setting up WordPress PHP code standards in Visual Studio Code. This article shows how we can go one step further and set up JavaScript & CSS linting (code analysis for potential errors) and pretty printing / auto formatting for PHP, CSS & JS. We are going to use Node, […]
BrowserSync in Laravel Valet
Updated on March 07, 2019 For Mac users that do not have the need to create local sites with different PHP versions, Laravel Valet is perhaps the lightest, fastest and best localhost development environment for setting up WordPress (or any other static/dynamic) sites as of today. A few reasons why I love Valet: Lightweight, super […]
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