With the current version of Genesis (3.3.1) and Genesis Sample (3.3.0), post author post link will not appear in the entry header’s entry meta for CPTs.

If you want to output the post author link after “by” we need to add support for author
to the CPT.

Here are two ways in which this can be done.
Method 1
In /wp-content/themes/genesis-sample/config/post-type-supports.php
return [
'post' => [
'page' => [
return [
'post' => [
'page' => [
'testimonial' => [
where testimonial
is the name of the custom post type.
If you want to also add support for comments, make it:
return [
'post' => [
'page' => [
'testimonial' => [
Note: You would still need to tick “Allow comments” under the Discussion section when editing the CPT entry.
Method 2
Add this in functions.php
add_post_type_support( 'testimonial', 'author' );
Thank you this is very helpful!! All of the Custom Post content is so helpful!
Much appreciated!