About Sridhar Katakam
I am an independent WordPress web consultant with 10 years of experience in WordPress theme installation, customization, administration, maintenance, support, documentation, troubleshooting and PSD/design to WP.
Genesis and WordPress Tutorials
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You must have seen me searching for this code on your site yesterday Sridhar š Thx for another great tutorial. I did accomplish this before reading here but I did not add the ‘grid-thumbnail’ size 536, 125. What does that size accomplish, a post image aligned left/right? Thank you, Jeff.
Hi Jeff,
No, I did not look at the search queries š
When we don’t use a custom image size, I think the default WordPress ‘thumbnail’ image size will be used. As I wanted the images to take up full available width, I specified 536. See http://www.screencast.com/t/Qz2EFSQnC9w. Height can be any value of your choice.
Hi Sirdhar,
If i wanted to have image 75×75 with Title to the right of it, what changes would i need to make.
see my current at http://realestateradioshow.com
Hi, how do I add featured image on recent posts? I’m using minimum pro, and I added recent post widget on my home page.
Thankyou sir!
If you use ‘Genesis – Featured Posts’ widget, it has an option to specify whether the featured images should appear or not. http://i.imgur.com/wCZ1R0H.png
Exactly something I wanted to do. I added the code in the wp_head hook using simple hooks rather than functions.php. I find that easier to test.
For some reason, the images are not getting resized to the correct width, they seem to be staying at 150px. I used the regenerate plugin.
What about the code to define the custom image sizes? Did you add that in functions.php or not?
Regarding the actual code to display the featured image, doesn’t Simple Hooks plugin let you hook into “genesis_entry_header” location?
Anyway to prevent the featured image from showing up on the domain.com/blog page as well? It worked perfectly for showing the featured image on the front page is_front_page(), but featured is also coming through on blog.
Example : http://credentialing.com/blog/
Thanks for any help!
Add this CSS: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=eyvNBAEe
Hi Sridhar
Absolutely love your work. Thank you so much for these great Genesis tips.
Could you possibly show how I would allow the featured image to show on the Portfolio (single) page, below the Title and to possibly force the default site layout for the Portfolio pages instead of full width so i can show the sidebar as well.
Really hope you can assist me with this or point me in the right direction.
All the best.
OK figured out how to change the Site Layout from the single-portfolio.php file by replacing
//* Force full width content layout
add_filter( ‘genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout’, ‘__genesis_return_full_width_content’ );
//* Force full width content layout
add_filter( ‘genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout’, ‘__genesis_return_content_sidebar’ );
…but still not sure how to show the Portfolio image as a thumbnail, medium or full image below the title.
If Content Sidebar is your site’s default layout as set in Genesis settings, then you could just comment out the full width line and not add the other line to force content sidebar layout.
To display Featured image below title on Portfolio single entries, add this in child theme’s functions.php: https://gist.github.com/srikat/7522888
Mega Thanks
Thanks for the help. Quick question I followed the directions and it looks great on the front page. However when you go to the blog it shows the image twice, once at the top at the smaller thumbnail size and the second as the orginal posed size
Can you provide the URL of your site?
http://coachdougherty.com/ I just started it so its obviously not finished …
I do not see the images at http://coachdougherty.com/templates/blog/
having the same problem http://weeattogether.com/how-to-light-drinks/ any ideas how to fix that?
@Skyler, looks fine to me.
Sridhar you rock! Thank you! You are my go to for all things Minimum Pro!
Any advice for smart/efficient ways to rehaul a media library that is full of images that need to be resized, i.e. not just the thumbnails but in post etc images?
I had several images fail to resize thumbnails & am thinking that the original images are just too big.
Try these:
Hello Sridhar, great tutorial! Question for you:
I am able to get the image at 150px height, but the width of the image will not go to 536px wide. I added the code above to my functions.php before using the thumbnail resizing plugin.
The image on the single post was also not displaying at 720 x250. I did specify height and width just like your code above but it’s still wouldn’t work so I deleted the single post code and using the grid code for now
Site is just new, http://www.barberlabs.com
Any suggestions would be great, thanks so much!
Paste the code present in your theme’s functions.php at http://www.pastebin.com and give us a link.
I wonder why the width of images is being set to 382px when it should be 536px. I have downloaded your images and tested them on my localhost. It works fine. See http://i.imgur.com/q09f3Wn.png.
How did you regenerate thumbnails?
yes that it strange! I regenerated thumbnails by uploading the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin and clicking the “Regenerate Now” button under Tools > Regenerate Thumbnails.
Does it matter what my media settings are for thumbnails? Should I change them?
Or perhaps try the !important declaration in functions.php? I’m not the best coder
I really do appreciate your help here!
If you would like me to take a look inside, send me your WP and FTP login info via http://www.sridharkatakam.com/contact/.
Great, thank you I just sent them via your contact form, thanks again!
Hi Sridhar,
I’m having similar issues as those who’ve posted on here. Basically, my Featured Image won’t go to the full width of the column on the homepage (at http://therantinglatina.com) even after adding the code above. (Regardless of what I try, it’ll stay at 220ishx150.) How exactly could I change its width for homepage posts? Have I missed something?
(I’ve removed it from the homepage so it doesn’t look wonky to those who visit but you can find a screenshot here- http://imgur.com/Hc2N5pq.. I’d love for it to work correctly so any tips would be welcome. Thank you!)
Ensure that GD library is present on the server.
Create a file named say, phpinfo.php having
upload it anywhere on your server and visit it in browser. Do a find for “gd”.
Make sure to delete phpinfo.php once you are done testing.
Hey Katakam thanks for this post. I,m using currents theme on my blog http://demo2.woothemes.com/currents/
would do suggest me how to display the featured image below the title, thanks
Sorry, I meant the featured image above the title
Thank you SK.
I was struggling for an hour to make it appear with your code. It DOES work! I had check & double check functions.php.
Still not sure if add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );
is necessary earlier in Functions.php (on advice from WP.codex)
In the end, I Triggered a [Regenerate Thumbnails] on the specific image image that was set as featured…. and then boom, it started displaying, after much troubleshooting.
It may be that it is PARTICULARLY sensitive to the 720 x 250 single-thumbnail image size existing? Otherwise, nothing?
Anyway, keep up the great work, I’ll donate for sure when I’m able, you’ve provided loads of great advice with Gen / Min Pro to this beginner.
[…] Adapted from Sridhar Katakam’sĀ Adding Featured images below post titles in Minimum Pro […]
Hi Sridhar. Thanks for this great post. I was just wondering how to do this, yours was the first site to pop up when I googled it, and the homepage looks great!
I’m having a problem similar to what someone mentioned above. On my homepage it’s fine, and on my individual post page it’s fine, but I’m getting double images on the main blog page at http://www.craigsdesk.com/blog
If you have a second, could you please take a look?
Never mind, Sridhar. Thanks anyway, but I’m going a different way. Great post!
The code works for featured images on the post page but…what if I do not want specific posts to have a “post header image”. This would be because the image would never scale correctly and for other reasons.
Do you know the code? Was thinking to add a tag e.g. “fet no” to draw from, so it will know not to display it.